Friday, May 28, 2010

brave heart...

Saddest day

మేకప్ లేని హీరో

MBS: Today A Hero is Made -1

By taking Jagan into custody, Governments – State as well as Central – made a hero out of him!

So far he has been living on his father’s fame. His dynamism is known only thru his industrial ventures. But remember he got his riches thru succession and multiplied them because of his father’s contacts. If he has any business acumen, that is not visible so far since he did not foray into new sectors. Sakshi TV channel took too long to shape up and it showed his hesitation. Thru “Sakshi” newspaper, he is able to put up good fight against “Eenadu” and its propaganda though the latter is 30 yrs. senior to his. And he stayed put up in media business though his was not the ruling family anymore. Thru certain activities towards journalist employees, he displayed his generosity and remembered long for improving quality of life in media-men.

But this is not enough to make him a seasoned politician or a rebel like his father. He got everything for asking and he did not seem to have fought for anything. Today, when he set out on his ‘Consoling tour’ against all the obstacles created by T-leaders, his political opponents and also his party, he displayed his guts. On the bidding of high command, he was dissuaded by his well-wishers, party colleagues, family friends, his father’s ardent followers and reportedly even by his mother. But he stuck to his guns.

This is not due to obduracy but because of conviction. He believed that as a bereaved son, he has a right to go and console those who are waiting for it and no one has the authority to stop him. He tried to convince the world that the demand/threat against his tour was not reasonable. “If I kowtow to their demand now, tomorrow they might ask me not to go for canvassing in by-elections. Should I say bye-bye to by-elections?”, he asked. Very sensible argument.

How can anyone issue Kodandaram-kind of commands, I do not understand. Initially KCR was reasonable. He said “Let Jagan come here and I will go there. I never asked Jagan not to come. If people do not want him here, they might not allow.” So it is the common people who should be allowed to decide whether to come out on streets to greet Jagan or not. If they do not care for him, they may not flock to him in this scorching Sun. Then TRS can canvass that Jagan and by derivation integrationists may have takers in Khammam district, but not in Warangal district. KCR was confident of himself and prepared to allow a litmus test to Jagan’s popularity in Warangal district.

But his fellow-travelers were not that confident. They were afraid Jagan might prove as popular in Warangal as in Khammam and this would affect results in by-polls. Even if TRS loses 2/3 seats in by-elections their detractors would jeer at them. TRS leaders told Krishna Committee that mental division already took place and situation in Telengana is such that A-employee and T-employee can not work side-by-side in offices. And that there is no leg for an integrationist to stand upon in T-area.

So they need to prove their theory during Jagan’s visit. In Khammam, they attempted but failed. Barring minor clashes, Jagan’s tour was successful there. If he performs the same feat in Warangal, the hot-bed of T-agitators, media might conclude that the T-struggle is losing its grip in its very cradle. This might provoke Jagan to undertake similar exercise in Karimnagar another breeding-ground of T-agitation. And if he succeeds there too, media might jump to write off the movement forever. (to be concluded)



MBS: Jagan, NTR’s Inheritor..?

At the hour of writing (9 am on 28th May) Jagan is heading towards Mehabubabad, undaunted by the threats of TRS and other T-fighters,  undeterred by dictat of high command and unmoved by tears of his mother.

It remains to be seen whether he would be allowed to meet common public of Warangal district. If he accomplishes his task successfully, he is going to prove a point or two, that State is not yet divided and leaders can go to any place of their choice, if they are determined enough.

- Of all the state leaders currently available, Jagan is the only one who does not hesitate to swim against tide; who is confident of goodwill he enjoys among electorate; and who has muscle as well as money power to arrange his own entourage against all odds.

At this juncture, let me clarify that I am no great fan of Jagan. I consider him an eager young man in haste. I preferred Rosaiah over him as CM and even now believe that he should strive and prove himself as a mass leader and a good politician before aspiring to lead the state. I do not like over-projection of YSR and himself in Sakshi TV and newspaper.

Yet, …yet I am admiring him at this hour. He might be arrested today or he might be allowed to go on. Whatever happens, he proved himself a fighter. A challenger to Delhi. This is what most appealing to me.

AP’s self-respect was being trampled under the feet Delhi bosses till 1983. It was NTR who dared to challenge the practice of importing CMs from Delhi. Some nincompoop used to come as ‘Observer from Delhi’ and all the state leaders used to prostrate in front of him. The Delhites used to impose whomever they like and go away. But the appointees used to last very little. The moment Delhi is displeased with them, they were thrown into dustbin without a second look.

After TDP came to rule the state, situation has changed. We were taking independent decisions. Even when Congress came to power in 2004, YSR maintained a perfect, honorable equation with Delhi bosses. He was obedient but at the same time he was not subservient to them. He took self-governing decisions and exuded self-confidence. Delhi bosses left things to him and intervened in state affairs only on rare occasions.

After YSR’s death, state became fiefdom of Delhi again. Rosaiah, the septuagenarian is too timid to take independent decisions and acts as a mere postman. He faithfully reports to Delhi and receives their dictates with folded hands. He does not speak his mind anytime about a particular subject in his personal capacity. He can be described as the best “His Master’s Voice”. He is a mere passer-by and he is asked to hold this chair temporarily, this is what he thinks of himself and asks us not expect anything more from him.

In this kind of scenario, Jagan is emerging as a state leader who is refusing to blindly obey Delhi’s commands. He is showing that he has a mind of his own. In his open letter, he clearly said that - this was not a political tour - in Khammam tour he did not talk politics and there was no adverse reaction from general public he was not the competent person to talk of Separate Telengana and he would not say a word about it.

This being the situation, why High command asked him not to go without citing any reason? Is it because they are scared of the threats by TRS and others? If the government is afraid of law and order situation going out of hands, it is not worth staying there.

If someone has to be arrested, it is the leader who asked Congress MLAs to stop Jagan’s car, or the leader who asked agitators from all over the state to come to Warangal and create trouble and to cause hurdles. Doesn’t the government know it is a criminal offence to incite violence? If the government can not do anything about them, let them not do anything with Jagan either.

Today is the birthday of NTR, the great - the icon of Telugu pride who has shown to the nation that he was “RaaRaaju” but not the “Samantha Raju”. And as the things stand, I feel the mantle of upholding Telugu pride fell on the shoulders of Jagan. Let us see how long he is going to hold it.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Jagan Tour Kadapa

Jagan participates in college day celebrations

Kadapa Lok Sabha member Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy on Tuesday exhorted youth to maintain credibility, which is imperative for one’s political growth, and always ensure that they keep up their word and their actions match their words.

Addressing students celebrating college day in the Government College for Men here, Mr. Reddy said one’s political career is often built on college campuses.

Asserting that credibility is the hallmark of political success, he called upon young leaders to acquire the trait. Students should also keep up their word and gain the confidence of one and all, he said.

Maintaining that his father and former Chief Minister Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy yearned to ensure the welfare of youth.

Realising that parents became debt-ridden on two counts and don’t hesitate to sell away the house and lands when a family member is beset with ill-health and to educate their children, the late Chief Minister implemented schemes to provide succour to them, he said.

Recalling that Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy promised to grant assistance of Rs. 1.60 crore to develop the 60-year-old institution, he lamented that the grant was yet to be released.

Mr. Reddy promised to use his good offices to secure the fund for the development of the college. He promised to extend any assistance required for the college and to stand by the student community.

Congress MLA G. Srikanth Reddy, Kadapa Mayor P. Raveendranatha Reddy, DCC president K. Suresh Babu, DCMS chairman P. Pratap Reddy and Congress leaders R. Veera Reddy and P. Bala Obul Reddy, college principal Ramanjaneyulu and chairman S. Surendra participated.

Jagan unveils YSR statue

Kadapa Member of Parliament Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy unveiled a life-size bronze statue of YSR at ring road circle in Chintakommadinne mandal on Kadapa-Rayachoti road on Tuesday.

Union Minister of State for Steel A. Sai Prathap, Congress legislator P.M. Kamalamma, Kadapa Mayor P. Raveendranatha Reddy, former legislator K. Prabhavathamma, Kadapa Agriculture Market Committee Chairman T. Balamalla Reddy, Congress leaders I. Tirupal Reddy and M. Navaneeswara Reddy, M.P. Suresh and party members participated.

Later Mr. Jaganmohan Reddy visited the houses of Congress leaders S. Sanaullah and Pitchi Reddy, who passed away recently, and consoled the bereaved families.

Mr. Jaganmohan Reddy said the yeoman services of Rajasekhara Reddy in ensuring welfare of farmers will be remembered for ever.


YSR had conceived Jalayagnam programme and commenced several irrigation projects to provide irrigation facilities to the farmers, but his abrupt demise before completion of the projects left a void, the MP at the Agriculture Market Yard here.

Mr. Jaganmohan Reddy attended the swearing in ceremony of Thummala Balamalla Reddy as Kadapa Market Committee Chairman.

Swearing-in ceremony

Market Committee secretary Seetharama Reddy administered the oath of office to Balamalla Reddy, market committee vice-chairman P. Baba Khalander and other directors.

He advised them to strive to ensure farmers' welfare.

Loans disbursed

The MP disbursed loan cheques to farmers. Kadapa Mayor P. Raveendranatha Reddy, DCC president K. Suresh Babu, DCMS chairman P. Pratap Reddy, Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) secretary T. Sivasankar, Deputy Mayor K. Nabi Rasool, several Congress leaders and functionaries participated.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Central Budget - 2010

Pranab eyes the long-term

Short-term pains for long-term growth. That more or less summarises Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee’s budgetary exercise for 2010-11. The stimulus-aided economy is well on the road to recovery with an anticipated growth of over 7.2 per cent during the current fiscal, although at the cost of an unsustainable high fiscal deficit of 6.8 per cent of the GDP. The need of the hour is to return to the path of fiscal prudence while sustaining the growth momentum. And when the clamour for a partial rollback of stimulus gained ground mainly backed by the Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council and cautiously ratified by the 13th Finance Commission the nation at large knew that it was coming. The people, the corporates as well as the bourses had already factored it in. All were prepared for a hike in excise duty to 10 per cent, as it was still lower than the pre-stimulus rate of 12 per cent.

But when it finally came, all hell appears to have broken loose, at least in the Lok Sabha when Mr. Mukherjee announced the changes. In an unprecedented move, almost the entire Opposition trooped out of the House in protest against the hike in customs and excise duty on petrol and diesel in view of its cascading effect on inflation. Ostensibly, no one had anticipated that the government would also touch the petroleum fuels, especially when the Kirit Parikh Committee recommendations still lack a political consensus within the UPA.

What everyone missed out on was the fact that the cut in duties on petroleum goods which Mr. Mukherjee essentially rolled back was effected when crude oil in international markets was ruling at an all-time high of about $ 147 a barrel. Now that crude is at nearly half that price, why should the government bear the wasteful subsidy, especially when the oil marketing companies are groaning under the burden? Sound economic logic, perhaps, but not politics.

What gave the Congress-led UPA government, in its second term in office, the courage to seriously tread on the path of fiscal consolidation and pave the way for a high growth trajectory is that this is its second budgetary exercise and no major elections are on the way. The opportunity can be gainfully utilised to usher in bold systemic reforms, chart the road map for revolutionary changes in direct and indirect taxes by way of the proposed Goods and Services Tax (GST) and the Direct Taxes Code, rationalise the mechanism of targeting subsidy at the needy and, at the same time, allocate enough spending on infrastructure development and farm sector growth while switching over to a transparent direct subsidy payment for the oil sector, instead of resorting to off-budget transactions.

Mr. Mukherjee also ensured that public spending is not beyond means and as a result of which government borrowings during the year are restricted to Rs. 3.45 lakh crore, a fact that has enthused the market and corporates.

True, prices of cars, white goods and other household appliances have gone up with the rollback in excise. But, alongside, he has tried to make up for this by changing the personal income-tax slabs which will help the aam aadmi and the middle class save enough during the year. The strategy, perhaps, is that higher disposable income would itself propel growth through higher consumer demand or else lead to long-term savings through infrastructure bonds. A high savings rate is the best bet for any country as it offers long-term funds for infrastructure.

Armed with a strategy chalked out by the Finance Commission, Mr. Mukherjee has also budgeted for a mop-up of Rs. 40,000 crore during 2010-11 for spending on social sector programmes. Alongside, while raising a net revenue of about Rs. 20,500 crore by tinkering with the entire taxation regime, Mr. Mukherjee has sought to ensure a return to fiscal prudence by pegging the fiscal deficit at 5.5 per cent of the GDP in 2010-11 and 4.8 per cent in the next fiscal year.

As for inflationary expectations, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh allayed fears saying: You must look at the total picture emerging from the budget. The net revenue gain for the Finance Minister is only Rs. 20,000 crore. In an economy as large as India, this resource mobilisation effort and balance should not trigger any inflationary expectation.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Railway Budget - 2010

Holding the fares pretty much for the seventh straight year the Railway budget for 2010-11 provides for modest improvements in infrastructure and facilities for passengers and employees through internal savings, higher plan outlay and market borrowings.

Presenting on Wednesday the second budget of her current term in the Lok Sabha, Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee announced five new series of train services, 28 pairs of passenger trains and 17 suburban trains. The services of 21 trains were extended and the frequency of 12 was increased.

Though the freight rates were left untouched, she announced a token concession of Rs. 100 a wagon in charges for foodgrains for domestic use and kerosene as a small gesture to ameliorate the plight of the common man.

Ms. Banerjee reduced the service tax on purchase of e-tickets from Rs. 40 to Rs. 20 for AC tickets and from Rs. 15 to Rs 10 for sleeper class tickets. Cancer patients can now travel free of cost along with their companion in AC III and sleeper class.

On the infrastructure front, the Railways propose to construct a record 1,000 km of line within a year at an estimated cost of Rs. 4,411 crore; provide passenger amenities worth Rs. 1,302 crore; carry out surveys for 114 socially desirable projects connecting backward areas, 54 for new lines, two for gauge conversion and seven for track doubling; evolve a master plan for development of rail infrastructure in the northeast; and take up 800 km of gauge conversion and 700 km of track doubling.

The budget promises housing for all the 14 lakh railway employees in 10 years, 50 crèches for children of women employees and 20 hostels.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Jagan visiting ananthapur


Comedian Padmanabham Passes Away

Chief Minister K. Rosaiah, Telugu Desam president N. Chandrababu Naidu and Praja Rajyam chief K. Chiranjeevi on Saturday condoled the death of well-known comedian Padmanabham in Chennai on Saturday.

In separate messages, the leaders described the death as an irreparable loss to the Telugu film industry and conveyed condolences to the bereaved family. Mr. Rosaiah said the film industry had lost an able comedian belonging to the old generation.

Mr. Naidu described Padmanabham as the pet son of Telugu ‘kalamatalli' who acted in over 700 Telugu and Tamil films besides, producing and directing several movies. He recalled that ‘Devata' made by the late comedian was a landmark film starring the then heartthrob NTR. He listed ‘Kadanayaka Molla', ‘Pottipleader', ‘Srisrimaryada Ramananna' as notable films starring Padmanabham, who helped several debutants, including singer S.P. Balasubramanyam.

Expressing deep sorrow over the death of an ‘able' actor, Praja Rajyam president and ‘mega star' K. Chiranjeevi said Padmababham had a created a niche for himself during the six decades he spent in the industry offering breezy entertainers to Telugus. He recalled that Padmanabham was recently presented the Padmasri Allu Ramalingaiah Memorial Award.

State CPI secretary K. Narayana said Padmanabham was a ‘comedy king'.


YSR’s pet programmes take a hit

In a marked departure from the development-oriented budgets he formulated as Finance Minister in Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy’s Cabinet earlier, Chief Minister K. Rosaiah on Saturday presented a budget for 2009-10 that is more focussed on welfare, going by the higher allocations to the sector.

Notwithstanding his handsome references in his budget speech in the Assembly to the innovative schemes of the former Chief Minister, the plan outlay for irrigation sector, handling the Government’s flagship programme, Jalayagnam, took a hit with allocation dropping from Rs. 17,771 crore to Rs. 14,970 crore (only State’s share). Allocation to Housing, overseeing YSR’s another pet scheme Indiramma, the weaker section housing programme remained stagnant at Rs. 1,808 crore. There was also no mention about the enhancement of BPL rice quota from 24 kg to 30 kg per family as also the increase in supply of free power from seven to nine hours, the two election promises on which the Congress rode back to power, in the Chief Minister’s address.

Rural Development and agriculture and allied services saw an increase in the outlay, but the loss in allocations to irrigation and other sectors was compensated by enhanced sanctions to social services including welfare of SC/ST/BC/Minority, urban development and women and child welfare departments. We had to muster courage to present a budget of this magnitude as several apprehensions prevailed over the past few months, owing to the prevailing economic slowdown, the Chief Minister admitted .

The budget indicated a heavy reliance on the devolution from the Central Government with State’s share of central taxes, centrally sponsored schemes and grants-in-aid estimated at Rs. 27,946.61 crore. Even as the fiscal deficit is estimated to be around Rs. 12,983 crore (Rs. 14,282 crore in 2009-10), the Chief Minister projected a revenue surplus of Rs. 3,548 crore at the end of the year, a claim the Opposition termed as ‘indicator’ of hard days ahead for the people.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Seven-point terms of reference for panel on Telangana

Nearly a week after setting up a five-member committee on the Telangana issue, the Union government on Friday announced the panel’s seven-point terms of reference.

The committee, headed by the former Supreme Court judge, Justice B. N. Srikrishna, has been asked to examine the situation in Andhra Pradesh with reference to the demand for a Telangana State as well as the demand for maintaining the present status of a united Andhra Pradesh.
Report by December 31

The committee is requested to submit its report by December 31, 2010, a Union Home Ministry statement said. The panel may hold its first meeting here on Saturday, informed sources said.

The committee will review the developments in the State since its formation and their impact on the progress and development of different regions of the State. It will examine the impact of the recent developments on different sections of people such as women, children, students, the minorities, the Other Backward Classes, the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes.

The committee, constituted on February 3, will consult all sections of people, especially political leaders, on the aforesaid matters and elicit their views; to seek from the political parties and other organisations a range of solutions that would resolve the present difficult situation and promote the welfare of all sections of the people; to identify the optimal solutions for this purpose; and to recommend a plan of action and a road map.

According to the terms of reference, the committee will consult other organisations of civil society such as industry, trade, trade unions, farmers’ organisations, women’s organisations and students’ organisations on the aforesaid matters and elicit their views with specific reference to the all-round development of the State’s different regions. The panel has been asked to make any other suggestion or recommendation that it may deem appropriate.